United Women in faith formerly (united Methodist Women)

Gila Mountain UMC has an active United Women in Faith Group.

UWF is open to all women.  UWF is a missional arm of the United Methodist Church.  This group holds several fundraisers to support local, national and worldwide missions. 

UMF meets on the first Thursday of each month at 10 AM in Room 9.  All are welcome.  When the meeting adjourns at 11:30 AM, the group then gathers at a local restaurant.

The Rebecca & Naomi Circles meet on Mondays from 9:00 to 11:00 AM from  September through May.

The Rebecca Circle makes quilts for missions, like Crossroads, as well as for Jessie’s Closet, and Amberly’s Place.
The Naomi Circle works on craft projects for the UWF luncheons.  You can also work on your own project. This is a good time to get to know others in the group through fellowship, a snack, and a devotion.  Plan on joining them September 9th in room 9. Remember:  friendship makes life more beautiful.

The Abigail Circle (the reading group) meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM from September through April. The purpose of the reading program is to learn more about God’s ministries, increase sensitivity to all, enhance self-knowledge and encourage critical thinking about issues facing humanity.  Please feel free to check out our library and join us for discussions in Callaway Hall.

All women are welcome to join in the fellowship of this organization.

United Women of Faith on going Charity Drives are:

  1. Amberly’s Place: We are collecting socks, underwear, toiletries, clothes, shoes & any other item adults & children need.  They have nothing or very little when they escape from domestic violence situations.
  2. Blessing Bags: These bags are to be handed out to homeless or people in need of Food. You are welcome to take a bag to hand out. Donations of the following items are needed, which are included in the bags.  Water, snacks, wash clothes, soap, chap sticks, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb brush, any pop top food.
  3. Jessie's ClosetThis charity was created for those children in foster care who are taken out of their homes with just the clothes on their backs. They need children's socks, underwear, and clothes in all sizes.  Most needed diaper sizes are 3, 4, & 5.

 You will find boxes for your donations in the Narthex for all of these non-profits.



Worship 10:30 AM

Sunday School 10:30 AM


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